Section Materials Fall 2018

Exam Tips

General Guidelines for Writing Blue Book Exams and Political Science Writing

Writing PolSci Essay Georgetown University

Writing Tips « Writers Workshop: Writer Resources « The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois

Link to Textbook Site

Week 2

Prisoners Dilemma Video: Golden Balls

Tragedy of the Commons (TED Ed)

Week 3

California Voter Guide


Canada is an example of a federal system. It is not a unitary government.

Supplemental resource on Canada

Week 4

Magna Carta

Incorporation Doctrine

Week 5

Electoral College

Issues with the Electoral College


Political Ad (Influence of constituency over party)

Week 6

Key Terms (Excerpted from Professor Goggin's Lecture Slides)

1. Coordination problem 

2. Free-rider problem 

3. Tragedy of the commons 

4. Prisoners’ dilemma 

5. Institution 

6. Transaction cost 

7. Conformity cost 

8. Private good 

9. Common good 

10. Toll good 

11. Public good 

12. Republic 

13. (direct) democracy 

14. Articles of Confederation 

15. Shay’s rebellion

16. 3/5 Compromise

17. Commerce clause

18. Supremacy clause

19. Virginia plan

20. New Jersey Plan

21. Logroll

22. Faction

23. Dual federalism

24. Cooperative federalism

25. New federalism

26. Vertical separation of powers 

27. Horizontal separation of powers 

28. Race to the bottom

29. Block grants

30. Categorical grants (matching)

31. 10th amendment

32. Civil rights

33. Civil liberties

34. Suffrage

35. Jim Crow laws

36. de facto

37. de jure

38. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

39. Initiative & Referendum

40. Duverger’s Law 

41. patronage 

42. McGovern-Fraser Commission 

43. primary election 

44. superdelgates 

45. Invisible primary 

46. necessary and proper clause 

47. credit claiming 

48. position taking 

49. gerrymandering 

50. pork barrel legislation 

51. filibuster 

52. cloture 

53. closed rule 

54. Hastert rule 

55. unanimous consent agreements 

56. take care clause

57. electoral college

58. line-item veto

59. divided government

60. executive order 

61. going public

62. bureaucracy

63. spoils system

64. Pendleton Act (1883)

65. Cabinet agency 

66. Independent Executive Agency 

67. Independent Regulatory Commission 

68. signing statements 

69. regulatory review

70. police patrols v. fire alarms

71. legislative veto

72. limitation rider

73. Marbury v. Madison (1803)

74. judicial review

75. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

76. stare decisis

77. Rule of Four

78. writ of certiorari

79. Solicitor general

80. Original vs. appellate jurisdiction 

Week 7

Supreme Court Information

Week 8

Thanksgiving Week

Week 9


Week 10

The Influence of Super PACs on the 2012 Elections

Media Ownership (very in-depth)

Why do so few Americans vote?

Pros and cons of public opinion polls - Jason Robert Jaffe

Final Exam Terms (Excerpted from Professor Goggin's Lecture Slides)

 1 pluralism

 2 insider tactics

 3 outsider tactics

 4 selective incentives

 5 grassroots lobbying

 6 astroturf (lobbying)

 7 Issue networks

 8 Iron triangles

 9 belief

 10 emotion

 11 values

 12 attitude

 13 opinion

 14 focus group

 15 nonscientific polling

 16 scientific polling

 17 coverage error

 18 margin of error

 19 nonresponse bias

 20 social desirability bias

 21 socialization

 22 cue-taking

 23 Magic of aggregation

 24 Ideological polarization

 25 sorting

 26 affective polarization

 27 belief polarization

 28 heuristic

 29 rational turnout model

 30 four P's of electoral choice

 31 four campaign goals

 32 PAC

 33 Super-PAC

 34 initiatives/referenda

 35 penny press

 36 yellow journalism

 37 muckraking

 38 prior restraint

 39 libel

 40 slander

 41 persuasion

 42 agenda-setting

 43 priming

 44 framing

 45 trial balloon

 46 continuing resolution

 47 policy window

 48 budget authority

 49 budget outlays

 50 tax expenditures

 51 War Powers Resolution (1973)

 52 AUMF

 53 rally-around-the-flag effect

 54 status quo bias

Updated 2025-02-03